Friday 5 February 2016

Just a regular day

In the above photo, the main idea behind the blog is urban deception and the point we are trying to bring across is that urban is not always a good thing. It shows a homeless man sleeping next to a developed drain and there is also a lot of garbage surrounding him. The drain is located next to a homeless persons shelter but the picture clearly shows that he rather sleeps near the drain than at the homeless shelter. This shows that the development that took place is not really suitable or not really doing its job because we are seeing here that even in an urban area we are still seeing homeless persons on the streets.

1 comment:

  1. "...the picture clearly shows that he rather sleeps near the drain than at the homeless shelter...". This is not true and the point you are trying to make is conflated between different types of infrastructure i.e. "developed" drains and a homeless shelter. You have to think critically about how these operate together and what may appear to be "choice" is actually a constraint. The person in the photo is clearly high - CSDP doesn't allow people in it if they are high because it's risky behaviour.

