Thursday 7 April 2016

Education through dialogue

Education through dialogue taken Wednesday, ‎07 ‎October ‎2015, San Fernando promenade

In our opinion, this picture is quite unique as it shows a conversation with a homeless man and me. The reason I choose to highlight this picture with the theme urban deception is due to the conversation and the story that enlightened my understanding. This homeless man who goes by the name Leon, probably in his mid-thirties, was paid a visit by the 141 foundation with the goal of feeding and having a rewarding day with these persons. Leon out of the rest had a note book and a red ink pen where he was doing mathematics but not the mathematics we were accustomed to but rather his own idea of maths. Now in trying to help him with some questions, he claimed he had to finish but he told me that his teacher gave him these questions and he didn’t understand what he had to do. There, it became apparent that this education system we were oppressed into has failed another one (Leon). The education system moulds us into a vessel ready to repeat and memorize information handed to us with lack of ability to critically think or in Leon understand what is going on. However, I am not saying that Leon may have been a homeless person because he could not do mathematics I am highlighting the ‘deception of our educational system’. Also, feeding homeless persons out of shelters should not condoned or practiced. 

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