Friday 8 April 2016

“Rivers are dump” Taken by Darryl James

This photo was taken by one of our colleague’s blog entitled ‘Cost of Urbanisation’. The photo show the sheer magnitude of pollution in the east dry river, this photo coincides with our blog as it help explain a deception that rivers are being used as garbage dumps. Mostly all the rivers in Trinidad are used as dumps or a place where one assume after throwing their garbage in the river, the garbage will disappear. This site is very disturbing and shocking to see rivers being used as dumping ground. The post in the blog ‘Cost of Urbanization also explains the fact the pollution lead to another common problem flooding which has immense consequences.
Link to colleagues’ blog -
Another one of our colleague’s blog we would like to admire is the ‘Pulse of the city’ and more in depth their post on pollution. Their post is very intriguing as it starts off with one of the best quote which explains our responsibility to the planet that is ‘we did not inherit this from our ancestors, but borrowed it from our children’. The piece goes on show the mass of pollution in Port of Spain which tie to the urban deception we are trying to alert the population of. What make us interested in their post is their understanding that behind the ‘tall building’ of our city is a large polluted area.
Link to our college’s blog -
Straying from the topic of pollution but keeping the same urban theme deception I would like to share another post from a blog entitled ‘Slums- The King of Urban Decay’ and a post on the blog ‘Challenges of crime in the core cities’. The post highlights the fact that crime has dominated our country as we grow. The deception that is present in this article is not that crime has grown but the fact that communities and homes are now gated and armed with guards. This blog show a gated community which to some extent has become a by-product of crime. The post talks about crime as being an important factor in urbanization as it may influence a lot of decisions. The blog is very unique and not just gives option but back them up with some shocking facts.
These three blog are vital in make our audience fully aware of the urban deception in Trinidad and Tobago.   

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