Friday 8 April 2016

‘Long wait for the bus’

‘Long wait for the bus’ - Picture taken on 5th April, 2016

The above photos depict the bus service at the University of The West Indies. The problem that occurs here on a daily basis is that persons who depend on this service usually have to wait a long time for the bus. For example, if a bus is scheduled to arrive at 3:30pm, it arrives at 4pm which shows how inefficient the service is. This is a problem that needs to be addressed as the service being provided needs to be more efficient. There are even some occasions where the bus would not come at a scheduled time and persons have a long wait until the next scheduled time which would be another hour (we were subject to this many times as students who use this service regularly). It represents a perfect example of deception. The photo on the left shows the persons waiting on the bus and the one on the right shows when it arrives. However, some of the times the bus is efficient and reaches on time.

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