Friday 8 April 2016

'Water Front'

‘Water front’ Taken by Stephen Tikasingh  24/03/16

Beautiful aren’t they? This picture shows the waterfronts in Port of Spain some may describe them as one of the jewels of Port of Spain. The Water front is made up of three extremely tall buildings which has an estimated 25 floors, housing several ministries from planning to gender to education. The Waterfront is quite impressive, when facing the water fronts at the back the building on the left has a flowing of murals which depict Trinidad’s proud achievements. The reason I would like to highlight this building is to show the fact that urbanization can have some positive aspect. According to the Oxford dictionary, deception is someone or something being deceived, this is can then be tied to the factor that urbanization while it can be negative at times it can produces spectacular building like the water fronts. Being given the privilege to step foot in the waterfront gives one the feeling of national pride. It shocks you of the ability of our country to construct such a monument. Drawing reference from a lecture given to the urban geography class by Mr. Mark Raymond about different architectural design of building in different countries, it is important to understand the meaning of the waterfronts to Trinidad, whether it be as economic development or nation pride.

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