Thursday 7 April 2016

Journey to the city

‘Journey to the city’ Taken 01/03/16   Collaged 01/03/16

The above collage shows the waterfronts of Port of Spain in the middle picture and at each ends of the picture shows parts of the Beetham Gardens. The reason these photos were taken and collage is really to show the ‘journey to the city’ in its most ironic form. When one travels to the city, the journey has you thinking you are going to a dump however apart from the slumps you see a beautiful city graced by urbanization. Now one must think why the city is so easy on the eye but the surrounding journey towards it is embarrassing. Well as we all know, cities are surrounded or bordered by villages filled with people in search of jobs in the cities. The issue that is at hand is why urbanization has to create such an ugly scene on the journey towards the city when it supposed to display improvements of the city through development.

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