Thursday 7 April 2016

The kitchen is an important room

The kitchen is quite an important room Taken Sunday 21st 2016 Riverside homeless shelter kitchen

Following the theme of homelessness, this picture shows the deplorable condition of a kitchen in this given shelter. Many may argue that kitchen must be the cleanest part of a building or home, this space should always be kept up to mark and sanitized. This picture clearly shows the dirt or grim on the ground, the paint peeling, the tiles chipping etc. at least the bins are new right! The reason I choose this picture is that it is based on the exposure of ‘deception’. Now we have governments talking about “get these homeless people out of the streets and giving them a place to stay”, but if I was in that position I would not stay there. There are also rumours that this place is used as a drug den. Given the purpose of this building, it is quite shocking that it is in this deplorable condition which deems it unable to perform its roles and functions in society.

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