Friday 8 April 2016

‘Disturbance of the environment due to development’

‘Disturbance of the environment due to development’ taken in 2012 and 2016
In the above collage, fours photos are shown from behind my house where used to be one of Caroni’s sugar cane fields. It depicts a before and after scenario. The above photos show all the trees which existed before some of which we grew and had as a source of fruits. The grass is a beautiful green and the trees throughout the area provided a habitat for various birds and other animals. In 2014, the Land Settlement Agency (LSA) proposed the area as a site of development to sell of land to the ‘landless’ but in doing so cleared many of the trees destroying the habitats and the environment in the process as in the bottom 2 pictures which were taken just last month showing the brown grass, stones and the few trees that remained. It also shows an access road to the back where the plots of land were situated. Work stopped in 2015 and until the present day it remains abandoned and since then the area has been attempting to revive itself and the grass has slowly began growing back as well. The picture also shows a poorly constructed box drain behind the fence which is another indication of an attempt to develop the area but water in the drain is stagnant so it barely serves a purpose.

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