Friday 8 April 2016

"Traffic congestion in the city'

'Traffic congestion in the city' taken October 20th, 2015

The picture depicts the traffic entering and exiting the city where everyday commuters go to conduct business or shop as well as people getting to and from work. Being subject to this on a regular basis can be a nuisance and people can become stressed and tired at the end of the day. It also leads to pollution due to the emissions on a daily basis which is one disadvantage of urban areas. However, while there can be many negative impacts of traffic congestion, there can also be some positives to it as well. People who are stuck in traffic can experience longer bonding time with their families as they would spend long times in the car together for example when dropping children to school. Also, waiting in traffic can sometimes be relaxing as they would sit and wait for the road to clear up they can get a chance to rest a bit from as long, tiring day. This of course depends on the situation.

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